KY Permit Test Appointment
Schedule your KY Permit Test Appointment for driver license, license plates, tags, title and additional Kentucky DMV related issues, using the Kentucky Division of Motor Vehicle Licensing appointment link below. You can also call and speake to a Kentucky DMV agent regarding an appointment using this phone number: 502-564-2737.
Get your KY Permit Test Appointment, using the following online appointment form link, to make, change or cancel an appointment at the Kentucky DMV:
KY Permit Test Appointment Phone Number
What is KY Permit Test Appointment phone number?
KY Permit Test Appointment phone number is 502-564-2737
Kentucky DMV (Frankfort DMV) Mailing Address
What is Kentucky DMV (Frankfort DMV) mailing address?
Use the following Kentucky Division of Motor Vehicle Licensing mailing address to send official mail, documents & forms:
Kentucky DMV (Frankfort DMV)
Address: 200 Mero Street
City: Frankfort
State: Kentucky
ZIP Code: 40622
How to make an appointment for Kentucky DMV online?
Watch this video to learn how you can make an appointment online to Kentucky DMV for driver’s license, title, license plates and more, in the state of Kentucky. is an independent website that provides free information for KY Permit Test Appointment and other DMV appointements information. Found new information for KY Permit Test Appointment? please help us help others and let us know upon finding new information.
This website has no affiliation with Kentucky Division of Motor Vehicle Licensing or any other state or federal agency, office, department, board, or commission.
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